Thursday, December 10, 2015


“Upon ripening nutmeg exposes her matured piquant riches, released from what has passed and passionately exposed to the present moment with renewed vision and desire . . . My innate capacity to desire is opening and busting forth from encapsulated and otherwise shelled protective knowing.  The emerging recognized desires soar with fragrant melody carrying me above and beyond all that has ever been and more than I may possibly imagine.  You have showed me how to release my spirit from unnecessary complications; you have touched my spirit with your consciousness and I am set free.  “Reborn” A spicy symbolic reminder of the simple complexities held within us all and the natural rhythm of releasing, opening and rebirth.” 

Latin name: Myristica fragans
Family: Myristicaceae
Plant Part: Seed

Myristica fragans description
Myristica fragans is a tropical evergreen tree indigenous to the Banda Islands in the Moluccas, a province of Indonesia. The Moluccas are of volcanic origin, in mountainous, fertile and humid regions.  The clove is another major spice of the Moluccas.  Rice, copra, and sago “a starch which is extracted from the pith of the sago palm stems” are other local foods grown in this region. 

The nutmeg tree produces the only tropical fruit in which two different spices are derived, nutmeg and mace.  Nutmeg is the actual seed of the tree.  All parts of the nutmeg plant are aromatic! 

The nutmeg tree requires well-drained soil with water retention properties, often grown on hillsides.  The root system is shallow but extensive, a mat of lateral feeder roots with one tap root and aerial adventurous roots which extend from the trunk of the tree.  The mat of feeder roots may extend beyond the spread of stem branches, however as she grows/ages the tap root proportionally shortens.  Absorption is predominantly at the rootlet tips.  The young nutmeg seedlings are first established by inter-planting with banana and/or cocoa trees which provide both overhead and ground shade, and windbreak protection for its first seven years by which time it is well established and surpasses her nurturer(s).  They may start flowering as early as three to four years.  The nutmeg is a dioecious tree, ranging from 25 to 60 ft. in height, with a conical shape.  The nutmeg tree has lateral branches arising from the main stem with a slight spiral arrangement; smaller branches fan out laterally from these main branches.  On wounding of both stem and branches a reddish sap is produced.  Stems are dark brownish-grey while the younger plants trunk bark is smooth and a light brownish-grey.  Leaves are simple, alternate, and elliptic with an acute base tapering into a short petiole about 1-1.5 cm long.  The leaves are a medium to dark green above and a shiny, light silvery-green beneath. 

Pollination method of the nutmeg tree is not quite certain however some possibilities are that the “milbone” wasp may play a role and/or a local moth may effect pollination.  Some speculate the nutmeg tree may be able to produce seeds without pollination.  In any effect typically one male tree is planted within many females.

The flowers are a small bell shape, fragrant and nectar producing.  The flowers are dioeciously with male and female flowers on different trees.  On rare occasions both flowers will occur on the same tree with even rare hermaphrodite flowers. Flowers are more abundant in the months of April/May and November/December.  The flowers are a creamy yellow in appearance, waxy, and fleshy; they can measure up to 1 cm in length. 

The fruit is a pendulous, one seeded drupe suspended by a fruit stalk.  The fruits are bell shaped with a circumferential longitudinal groove which divides the fruit.  When ripe (yellow on the outside), it splits along the groove to reveal a thin epicarp with bright red net-like aril “mace” surrounding a dark brown endocarp.  The aril is attached to the base of the seed and its network is impressed as grooves on the testa.  Within the testa the nutmeg is found.  The nutmeg is an ovoid, light brown kernel, “the seed” approximately 2-3.5 cm long, and the outside has broken longitudinal wrinkles. 

Generally fruits with partially opened pods (yellow split pods are ready for harvest) are picked using a long pole (known as rodding); nevertheless those which fall to the ground are also harvested.  There are two peak seasons of harvest, January/March and June/August.  Interesting to note that women seem to be the predominate harvesters of nutmeg.  An excellent producing tree may surrender a yearly average production of say 30-50 lbs. of green nutmegs or 15-25 lbs. of shelled, dry nutmegs.  Usually nutmeg trees come into full bearing at about 20-25 years and continue at that level for another 30-40 years, after which the productivity levels drop. 

Seeds are either shade-dried in a temperature of 85-90F, for six to eight weeks or dried by means of the sun via circulation of warm air.  During drying nutmeg loses about 25% of its weight.  Seeds are usually delivered to receiving stations green (fresh), while mace is always delivered dried.  The proportion of dried shelled nutmeg to mace is approximately 20:3 ratios.

Nutmeg qualities, extraction and chemical composition
The essential oil of nutmeg is obtained by steam distillation of the dried kernels.  Nutmeg essential oil is a colorless or light-colored yellow liquid.  The tantalizing fragrance of nutmeg is sweetly enticing with hints of spicy aromatic nuttiness.  The piquant nuttiness and slightly sweet flavor of nutmeg is like sultry embers igniting the senses and once nutmeg penetrates the body or mucous membranes passionate warmth is embraced.

The main chemical constituents of nutmeg essential oil are: 
Monoterpene hydrocarbons: camphene, limonene, pinene 
Monoterpene alcohols: linalool, terpineol
Aromatic esters: eugenol, elemicin, myristicin, safrole 
Organic acids: myristic 

Nutmeg properties, therapeutic uses and applications
Nutmeg has analgesic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, digestive, carminative, aphrodisiac, stimulant, tonic and antioxidant properties.  Nutmeg assists digestive issues such as constipation, halitosis, indigestion, intestinal parasites and greater assimilation of small intestine.  Both nutmeg and mace may be used for flatulence, diarrhea and to allay nausea and vomiting.  Nutmeg helps to detoxify the liver, support the adrenals, stimulate circulation (chi warmer), and has an expectorant effect when inhaled.  The invigorating and strengthening qualities of nutmeg provide a tonic effect for the liver, kidney, adrenal organs as well as the digestive, muscular, circulatory, hormonal and central nervous system.  

Nutmeg is assistive for arthritis, rheumatism, neuralgia, muscular aches and pains, muscle sprains and strain, menstrual cramps, toothache, incontinence of urine, hemorrhoids, nervous exhaustion, anxiety, impotence, frigidity, and relieves muscle spasms, particularly of the abdomen.  Nutmeg helps to balance the hormonal system (balancing estrogen, progesterone and testosterone ratios).  Although nutmeg is contraindicated during pregnancy, nutmeg is suggested three weeks prior to giving birth; nutmeg applied on the abdomen twice a day during last three weeks of pregnancy aids in strengthening the uterine muscles in preparation of giving birth and the analgesic properties would aid in labor pain during child birth. 

Nutmeg helps to calm the mind, enhance concentration and is uplifting, hypnotic, energizing, invigorating, and rejuvenating in energetic relationship.  It seems to be those fiery personalities which facilitate the energetic burning away of self-deception; this goddess of fire works with the doors of denial, illusion and stagnant blockages.  The fiery and spirited nature of nutmeg disintegrating and cauterizing old and outdate gripping tentacles tied to the past, so that you may rise anew like the phoenix.  Use nutmeg for hope, focus, self-image, harmony and letting go! 

Nutmeg layers nicely with geranium, clary sage, lavender, jasmine, neroli, and ylang ylang.

The history and folklore of Myristica fragans
Although nutmeg is native to the Banda Islands of Indonesia; it is also grown in Penang Island in Malaysia, the Caribbean, Sri Lanka, and Kerala, a southern part of India.  From 1602 the Dutch tried to restrict the nutmeg trees to the Islands of Banda by bathing the seeds in lime, which would prevent anyone else from planting the seeds for growing, however seeds were scattered via fruit pigeons that carried the fruit pods to other Islands before they were harvested. 

Nutmegs were often made into amulets to protect against plagues, used to attract admirers as well as an abortifacient.  It is said that several hundred years ago, a few nutmeg seeds could be sold for enough money to enable financial independence for life.   And although nutmeg in larger doses is a narcotic, creating hallucinogenic and euphoric effects, nutmeg intoxication suggests it is hardly worth the ill effects it creates (examples: stomach pain, nausea, rapid heartbeat, feelings of panic, dehydration and over-doses can be toxic.)

The fruit/pod is utilized in the Indonesia province; the pods may be cooked as a sweet meat, sliced salted and cooked in rice dishes.  Jams, jellies and syrups may also be made from the fruit/pod.  The shells may be used as mulch and for fuel.  Nutmeg is also used in mulled cider, mulled wine, and eggnog. Several commercial products are also produced from the trees, like extracted oleoresin, nutmeg butter, culinary spice (ground or whole), and of course essential oil of nutmeg.  Nutmeg butter is obtained from the nut by expression.  It is semisolid, reddish brown in color.  Nutmeg butter contains large amounts of trimyristin, which can be turned into myristic acid.  Nutmeg butter can be used as a replacement for cocoa butter. The seed and aril “mace” both have powerful narcotic properties.  Mace has a more delicate flavor than nutmeg and is therefore preferred in light dishes; mace imparts saffron like hues.  A simple serving of ¼ tsp. a day of this sweet seed “nutmeg” may spice up your love life, enhance vivid dreaming and dream recall, elevate your mood, as well as add a bit of zip to your food. 

© 2011-2015 Robin Michaels, Cosmic Essential oils, All rights reserved

With Gratitude and Love
Robin Michaels

Robin Michaels is an Aromatherapist, LMT, and a certified instructor for continuing education courses in Aromatherapy NCBTMB approved provider since 2006.  Robin has over twenty-two years of experience in Bodywork and Thirty-three years within the Holistic Health realm. Robin has worked as the Spa Coordinator/Manager at the Adobe Grand Bed and Breakfast since 2006 as well as an independent practice specializing in Holistic Aromatherapy Massage.  Robin graduated from the Harold J. Reilly School of Massage Therapy at the Edgar Cayce Foundation in 1994 in Virginia Beach, Virginia.  
Robin is the owner and founder of Cosmic Essential oils, LLC, wholesaling Cosmic Essential oil products and assisting Spa and Holistic businesses with signature products suited to their unique businesses since 2004.  Cosmic Essential oils was inspired as a desire to assist her son Ayran who suffered from Migraines, both mom and son were amazed at the results and the rest well divine creations with a compassionately passionate heart. 

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving, Last RanDom Holiday November Long Weekend Cosmic Specials!

Happy Thanksgiving time everyone.This is the last Random Weekend Specials of November _ from now till Tuesday, December 1, 2015!  I hope you all have enjoyed the Cosmic Delights Specials this month.  Wishing you all a Safe, Comforting, Magical, Festive Holiday weekend and may many smiles and laughs cross between you and all your loved ones.
Cosmic Essential oils,  Robin :) 

This picture was taken by Rusty Abertson of Sedona, AZ.  
Happy New Moon Everyone!

Now for the Cosmic Delights!

All listed 50% off - expires December 1, 2015. 
Great for making salves, butters or just by themselves.  The White Sage infusion makes a beautiful after bath body oil (this one is infused with Coconut oil), The Helichrysum and Calendula w/Lavender is perfect for first aid (read more below for more uses) and I love the  St. Johns Wort infusion for salve making, other ideas would be soap making or body butter.  All have a shelf life of 4 years from date.  They are lovely!

All Organic Infusions - Helichrysum and Calendula oil w/Lavender

Calendula and Helichrysum oil, in a 2oz. Blue bottle (all ingredients are organic - organic Calendula infused in organic olive oil, Organic Helichrysum infused in organic olive oil, Vitamin E and Lavender fine essential oil as natural preservative and added wound healing action.) Anti viral, anti septic anti oxidant, anti bacterial, anti fungal and anti inflammatory; wound healing, scar reduction, eczema, dermatitis and hemorrhoids. Infused with conscious cosmos activity elements/ by Cosmic Essential oils, Robin 2/14/2015

All Organic Infusions - White Sage 2oz.

White Sage oil (all organic and wild-crafted ingredients - wild-crafted White Sage infused in organic coconut oil and vitamin E as natural preservative and added healing agent) in a 2oz Amber bottle. Infused with conscious cosmos activity elements/ by Cosmic Essential oils, Robin_2-11-2015 bottled date

All Organic Infusions - St. Johns Wort 2oz

Saint John's Wort (ALL ORGANIC INFUSIONS!) w/extra virgin olive oil, vitamin E. 2015 Jan. Blue cobalt 2oz. bottle. Healing of wounds, stings, mild skin irritation and inflammation.

(one left)  I will make more next year!
Love my Face_ A facial supplement 2oz. size_ "NEW" FROSTED GLAZED BOTTLE WITH PUMP!!!! All organic or wild crafted ingredients; "DRY" nut, fruit or seed oils of: Jojoba, rose hip seed, argan, pomegranate seed, sea buckthorns and vitamin E. Essential oils of: cistus, neroli, carrot seed and other healing essential oils. _Recommended use: apply to clean face, moisten or spritzed face with Neroli, Rose or Helichrysum Hydrolat, then one to two pumps, of Love My Face, gently massaging into facial and neck tissue. You may also use on hair for lustrous shine, anti-fizz and healthy appearance. _Natural botanical properties: anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, anti-aging, supportive for immune, hormonal, circulatory, UV-blocking activity, skin nourishing and assists wound healing, burns, fine lines/wrinkles, signs of premature aging and regenerative properties. _Natural botanical sources of Vitamins of B1, B2, C, E, K, beta carotene and Carotenoids, potassium and magnesium, flavonids and squalene; rich in essential fatty acids of Oleic, Palmitic, linoleic, Linolenic, punicic, stearic, phytoestrogen, Palmitoleic and Ferulic._ "NEW" 2oz. frosted glass with pump for easy delivery. _ You are Welcome, drink up your Vitamin C, Revive, Renew and Rejuvenate. Yes, give some Love to your Face. I make this when I can, so please enjoy, always a Market price. 88.00-S is a sale price btw 169.00-R

Cosmic Delights
EO Formula's drawn out of my fun Hat are . . . drum roll . . .   

A very unique and exclusive - 100% medicinal essential oils formula. Limited editions each year_ Cosmic Allure pretty much says it all. An APHRODISIAC by nature which facilitates feelings of deep inner peace. Mixes with your personal chemistry; different on everyone. A dab on the wrist and neck is all you will need. Everyone will want to know what you are wearing, so alluring!_ Available in Sedona Retail/Spa location: Coming soon! "Sensual, Mysteriously Hypnotic, Mystifying, sultry."

100% medicinal essential oils formula - wild and biodynamic sources. High Anti-Viral; assists lymph system, jet lag, sore throat, sinus drainage, cellulite and protection against invasion of various bacteria and viruses. Cypress, Laurel bay, Grapefruit and other EO’s, W/ love in Sedona, AZ by ♥ Robin "A healthy lymph system drains interstitial fluid, transports dietary fats and protects against invasion of many different bacteria and viruses." External application to the lymphatic system- 3 drops to both sides of the neck and 4-5 drops to the solar plexus area.

10% off these, expires December 1, 2015

Frankincense and Myrrh

Laurel Leaf

I miss my guys and grand daughter on this FAVORITE holiday time we try to get together and share Merry Times.  I LOVE YOU, Mom (Last year 2014) "Hearts and LOVE" 

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


Nurturing the Self via the Plant Kingdom

The most important relationship we will have in this 3-D life experience is with our self.  Realization of a right relationship with our self requires mindfulness and self-awareness of our individual needs within the realm of nurturing our body, mind, emotional and spiritual levels of being.  There is one essential oil within the plant kingdom that comes to mind as the Grand-Mother of ALL, speaking Love with high vibration and nurturing qualities with gentle self-assurance.  So below I will share my writings on Rose however feel it important to mention; all flowers speak to our deepest emotional concerns and various levels of LOVE.  Wishing you the Joy of remembering what makes your heart sing.

Latin Name: Rosa damascena - Family: Rosaceae
Plant Part: Flowers
Plant origin: China, Crimea, Bulgaria, and Turkey

Rosa damascena exceeds over 500 chemical components with the main constituent being citronellol.  The complex chemical nature of rose in itself is quite phenomenal and indeed explains the ubiquitous restorative and medicinal applications of rose on all levels of being. 

The production of rose starts by harvesting the flower petals by hand in the early morning before sunrise and the petals are distilled the same day to ensure quality and care.  Rose will crystallize at cooler temperatures due to its chemical components and is more viscous at lower temperatures although upon warming it becomes more fluid.  It takes many pounds of rose petals to distill one ounce of rose essential oil and consequently one reason this precious essence is so expensive. 

Rose has antidepressant, antiphlogistic, antiseptic, antiviral, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, astringent, antibacterial, cicatrisant, choleretic, depurative, emmenagogue, haemostatic, hepatic, laxative, stomachic, sedative, and vulnerary properties.  Rose is a tonic for the heart, liver, skin, stomach, and uterus; aid for the immune system and soothing for the nervous system.  Rose is by far one of the best oils to use in skin care or concerns associated with the skin. 

Rose assists respiratory concerns such as asthma, coughs, hay fever, and bronchitis. Rose is assistive for digestive issues such as liver congestion, improves liver and gall bladder function, nausea, diarrhea and oral thrush.  Rose is an aid for skin concerns such as eczema, skin redness, herpes, rashes, sores, diminishing scar tissue, repairing broken capillaries, tinea and beneficial for dry, mature and sensitive skin types.  Rose hydrosol is a wonderful action for treatment of conjunctivitis as well as an everyday treatment for hydrating and toning mature and dry skin.  

Rose is assistive for cardiac disease, heart palpitations, arrhythmia, high blood pressure, thread veins, depression, nervous tension, stress, poor circulation, poor memory, headache, insomnia, urinary tract infection and fluid retention.  Rose is very cooling, use for deficiency of heart “yin”, and also night sweats.  Rose is wonderful for all female concerns, assistive for premenstrual breast tenderness, frigidity, menopause, peri-menopause, premenstrual syndrome, leucorrhoea, dysmenorrhea, Menorrhagia, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, and hormonal balance.  Rose is a tonic for the goddess, assisting us to clear, to cleanse, regulate and purify our sensual, maternal and nurturing elemental nature!  

Rose has long been a symbol of love and purity.  One such older tradition and still common practice use of rose petals is the symbolic honoring within a wedding ceremony; a young flower girl “purity, innocence, virginity and youth” scatters rose petals preceding the bride’s walk along the path to the altar, with each step the bride releases the rose petals delicate aromatic structure and the symbolic pursuit of love, honor and purity are bestowed unto this sacred union. 

Rose is thought to possess the highest energetic vibrational frequency among the plant, flower and tree kingdom.  Use Rose to encourage self-nurturing, self-love, self-esteem, awareness, ease, inspiration, happiness, joy and serenity. Rose helps us to honor, respect and love ourselves and essential for handling emotional difficulties such as grief, heartache, sorrow, anger, resentment, trauma, fear and conquering insecurities.  Rose opposes fear to the same extent love opposes fear!  The appealing and intoxicating nature of rose compassionately speaks to remind us, “We Are the Love we seek”. 

© 2011-2015 Robin Michaels, Cosmic Essential oils, All rights reserved

With Gratitude and Love
Robin Michaels

Single Essential oils (Wisdom of the Earth):
Rose 2ml and Rose 5ml offered at an 18% discount remainder of 2015!!!

Robin Michaels is an Aromatherapist, LMT, and a certified instructor for continuing education courses in Aromatherapy NCBTMB approved provider since 2006.  Robin has over twenty-two years of experience in Bodywork and Thirty-three years within the Holistic Health realm. Robin has worked as the Spa Coordinator/Manager at the Adobe Grand Bed and Breakfast since 2006 as well as an independent practice specializing in Holistic Aromatherapy Massage.  Robin graduated from the Harold J. Reilly School of Massage Therapy at the Edgar Cayce Foundation in 1994 in Virginia Beach, Virginia. 
Robin is the owner and founder of Cosmic Essential oils, LLC, wholesaling Cosmic Essential oil products and assisting Spa and Holistic businesses with signature products suited to their unique businesses since 2004.  Cosmic Essential oils was inspired as a desire to assist her son Ayran who suffered from Migraines, both mom and son were amazed at the results and the rest well divine creations with a compassionately passionate heart. 

Friday, November 20, 2015

Cosmic Delights, Random November Weekend Specials!

The 3rd Weekend of November Random Cosmic Delights Specials

Wishing you all in advance a Happy, Joyous, Family and Friends Gathering for this Thanks Giving Holiday! 

En~Joy, your Welcome, In Gratitude and Love,
Cosmic Essential oils, Robin :)

18% off now afternoon 20th Nov. - expires Mon. 23rd Nov. 
A very unique and exclusive - 100% medicinal essential oils formula. Limited editions each year_ Cosmic Allure pretty much says it all. An APHRODISIAC by nature which facilitates feelings of deep inner peace. Mixes with your personal chemistry; different on everyone. A dab on the wrist and neck is all you will need. Everyone will want to know what you are wearing, so alluring!_ Available in Sedona Retail/Spa location: Coming soon! "Sensual, Mysteriously Hypnotic, Mystifying, sultry."

Goddess Bliss 15ml
10% off now 20th Nov. - expires Mon. 23rd Nov. 
❤ Goddess Bliss 100% medicinal essential oils formula. Goddess Bliss assist in balancing the hormonal system (geared toward the Goddess); Female hormonal Balance: glandular harmony, pain relief, anti-stress, relaxant, water retention, aphrodisiac, anti-oxidant, uplifting, muscle cramps, CNS, regulate sexuality/reproduction; hot-flashes, menopause, Peri-menopausal symptoms, regulating moon cycle. The perfect Goddess formula! Application methods: endocrine system "chakra's", major conductors such as pituitary (third eye), thyroid (throat), and abdomen. The olfactory level is beautiful "Happy and relaxing"

All listed 50% off now 20th Nov. - expires Mon. 23rd Nov. 
Great for making salves, butters or just by themselves.  The White Sage infusion makes a beautiful after bath body oil (this one is infused with Coconut oil), The Helichrysum and Calendula w/Lavender is perfect for first aid (read more below for more uses) and I love the  St. Johns Wort infusion for salve making, other ideas would be soap making or body butter.  All have a shelf life of 4 years from date.  They are lovely!

All Organic Infusions - Helichrysum and Calendula oil w/Lavender

Calendula and Helichrysum oil, in a 2oz. Blue bottle (all ingredients are organic - organic Calendula infused in organic olive oil, Organic Helichrysum infused in organic olive oil, Vitamin E and Lavender fine essential oil as natural preservative and added wound healing action.) Anti viral, anti septic anti oxidant, anti bacterial, anti fungal and anti inflammatory; wound healing, scar reduction, eczema, dermatitis and hemorrhoids. Infused with conscious cosmos activity elements/ by Cosmic Essential oils, Robin 2/14/2015

All Organic Infusions - White Sage 2oz.

White Sage oil (all organic and wild-crafted ingredients - wild-crafted White Sage infused in organic coconut oil and vitamin E as natural preservative and added healing agent) in a 2oz Amber bottle. Infused with conscious cosmos activity elements/ by Cosmic Essential oils, Robin_2-11-2015 bottled date

All Organic Infusions - St. Johns Wort 2oz

Saint John's Wort (ALL ORGANIC INFUSIONS!) w/extra virgin olive oil, vitamin E. 2015 Jan. Blue cobalt 2oz. bottle. Healing of wounds, stings, mild skin irritation and inflammation.

Southwest Botanical Series - Essential oil Collection
The Celestial Conifer Community
wildcraft distilled 100% essential oil from the needles, twig and cone or berry

¤  PONDEROSA PINE -  20% off 20th Nov. - expires Mon. 23rd Nov.
 SOUTHWEST SERIES: Pinus ponderosa - Cultivated Strength and Endurance!   
 May assist: Immune & respiratory systems, skin concerns & inflammation. Essential facilitator of wisdom
 and grounding, Acknowledging Celestial LOVE.

¤  PINYON PINE -  20% off 20th Nov. - expires Mon. 23rd Nov. 
SOUTHWEST SERIES: Pinus edulis a member of the Celestial Conifer Community, Wild-Craft distilled 100% essential oil from the needles, twig and cone.  Think PINEal Âª dreamtime!  May assist: Immune system, colds, cuts and abrasions, sore muscles and gentle nurturer of emotional and spiritual body; enjoy heavenly connections. 

¤  DWARF JUNIPER PINE - not on sale 
SOUTHWEST SERIES: Juniperus communis a member of the Celestial Conifer Community, Wild-Craft distilled 100% essential oil from the needles, twigs and berries. Purification Âª Fairy Circle Communion!   
May assist: Joint inflammation, Respiratory, digestion & urinary systems, wound healing and snakebites.  Purification facilitator on all levels of being! 

Argan oil, 30ml bottle w/dropper
18% off now 20th Nov. - expires Mon. 23rd Nov. 
Argan oil has been used for many generations by the Sousse-Berber Moroccan people to naturally treat their hair, skin and nails. Argan oil consists of essential fatty acids, polyphenols and sterols. It also contains significantly more vitamin E than olive oil. All of these components work together to make Argan oil a natural healing agent to heal skin and hair imperfections. _ HISTORY: A family owned business born from passion, heritage and health. Origin: Taroudat, Morocco; Berber-Sousse family harvests and cold presses this Argan seed into 100% pure Argan oil. _ FOR HAIR: Argan oil will almost instantly restore shine and improve the texture of your hair. Assists natural boost in volume, form and hydration to facilitate effortless styling, hair health, stimulates growth and defense against the daily stresses your hair may endure from the environment, styling, and washing. Hair grows when it's healthy and hydrated. _ FOR SKIN AND NAILS: Argan oil absorbs quickly, therefore, it will not leave your skin feeling greasy. _Prevent and reduce wrinkles and minimize fine lines. _ Protect and moisturize and restore elasticity and texture. _ Reduce redness and irritation and heals imperfections. _ Neutralize free radicals and treat and prevent acne. _ Treat and prevent stretch marks, eczema, treat burns and heal scar tissue. _ PRESERVATIVE FREE - CHEMICAL FREE - FOR COSMETIC USE. 100% Pure Unroasted Argan oil! _ I'm very excited to be able to bring this to my customers!!! Just beautiful!

And don't forget about these Specials below

Himalayan Bath Salt EO Infusions 

Perfect for Holiday Gifting or in your own TUB - 12% discount until December 15th 2015. 

Pinyon Pine infused Himalayan Bath Salts "Detoxifying" 

Southwest Botanical Spa Series
This BATH SOAK duo is a naturally RICH source of minerals, healing and regenerative to the body's systems; assists in stimulating circulation, soothing for sore muscles, immune system tonic, toxin elimination and mood elevator. Ingredients: Wild-crafted Pinyon pine, All natural, organic standards and kosher certified Himalayan salt, organic coconut oil and sodium borate (natural mineral). 
13.5 oz. size - stand up pouch bag
Cosmic Essential oils products are always organic, wild, or bio-dynamically grown; bringing you exceptional quality, consciously grown or cultivated natural ingredients with integrity and love. 
You may be wondering, "How can I enhance this bath experience" Idea's are: extra addition of 1 cup of goat milk or coconut milk, candles tub-side, making sure you have your phone off and time for relaxation is key and relaxing music set to the perfect volume ♥ Enjoy 
(2-3 oz are recommended per spa tub)

Peppermint & Rosemary infused Himalayan Bath Salts "INVIGORATING"

This INVIGORATING Bath Soak trio is a naturally RICH source of minerals, healing and regenerative to the body's systems; assists in stimulating circulation and use for all types of exhaustion, soothing for sore muscles and toxin elimination. Headache, mental clarity, chronic fatigue and respiratory system aid. Ingredients: bio-dynamically grown peppermint and rosemary, all natural, organic standards and kosher certified Himalayan salt, organic coconut oil and sodium borate (natural mineral). 
13.5 oz. size - stand up pouch bag
Cosmic Essential oils products are always organic, wild, or bio-dynamically grown; bringing you exceptional quality, consciously grown or cultivated natural ingredients with integrity and love. This bath salt is wonderful during the long and hot summers for chilling out! ♥ Enjoy 
(2-3 oz are recommended per spa tub)

Single Essential oils (Wisdom of the Earth):

Rose 2ml and Rose 5ml 
offered at an 18% discount remainder of 2015!!!

Collection Specials:

A conifer Collection - (10-15ml bottles) Starring: Cedarwood (Himalayan) @25.00, Cypress (crete) @28.00, Fir Balsam @27.00, Fir Hemlock @30.00, Fir Needle (Siberian Silver) @38.00, Juniper Berry (Drome Valley-berry only) @63.00, Pine (Ocean) @34.00, Pine (White) @29.00, Spruce (Blue) @49.00 and Spruce (White) @38.00. Totaling $361.00 with a 15% percent discount, savings of $54.15. Year of the Goat 2015 Love Special, Enjoy these incredible conifers!!! ****Thirty people are welcome to this special in the year 2015, only 30 of this offer available!

The Citrus Family Collection  - (8 - 15 mls) Starring: Bergamot (37.00), Grapefruit (22.00), Lemon (21.00), Lime (16.00), Mandarin (29.00), Orange, bigarade (27.00), Blood Orange (21.00) and Tangerine (22.00). All totaling to 120ml, so 15% off for purchasing the whole Citrus family. Reg. price for all $195.00, a savings of $29.25. 2015 Year of the Goat Special :) ***20 people are welcome to this offer during 2015, only 20 are available! Explore the Citrus Family LOVE!

The Lamiaceae Family Collection - (10/15ml bottles) Classic Delights. Starring Basil (Holy) $29.00, Oregano (True) $34.00, Lavender (fine) $30.00, Marjoram (Sweet) $34.00, Pennyroyal $27.00, Peppermint (French) $29.00, Peppermint (US) $19.00, Spearmint $21.00, thyme (linalool) $62.00 and Rosemary (cineole) $29.00. Regular retail $314.00, a savings of 47.10 with this 15% discount. Year of the Goat 2015 Love Special! This would be a great starter, as these are very commonly used essential oils - Classic Delights! Sharing the Love! *** 50 people are welcome to this offer during 2015, only 50 of this offer is available!

The Seed Collection - (10-15mls) Digestive pleasures! Starring: Anise Seed @27.00, Cardamon Seed (Green) @57.00, Celery seed @30.00, Coriander Seed @40.00, Cumin Seed @38.00, Dill Seed @30.00, Fennel (Sweet) leaves too on her @29.00, Nutmeg @27.00, Parsley Seed @32.00 and Pepper (black) @34.00. Totaling $344.00, with a 15% discount meaning a savings of $51.60. Year of the Goat 2015 wishes of digestive pleasure! Making life easy to stomach :) ***90 people are available to this offer during 2015, only 90 of this offer is available!

Friday, November 13, 2015

November Random Weekend Specials, Cosmic Delights!

Cosmic Delights for this Weekend, EnJoy!

Enjoy the Weekend Specials! By Cosmic Essential oils, LLC

Chaparral oil (all organic and wild-crafted ingredients - wild-crafted chaparral infused in organic olive oil and vitamin E as natural preservative and added healing agent) in a 2oz Amber bottle. Anti bacterial, anti viral, anti oxidant, anti fungal, anti tumor, anti septic, anti inflammatory: rheumatoid arthritis, eczema, psoriasis, cuts, sores, bruises. A wound healer. Infused with conscious cosmos activity elements/ by Cosmic Essential oils, Robin

(one left)  I will make more next year!
Love my Face_ A facial supplement 2oz. size_ "NEW" FROSTED GLAZED BOTTLE WITH PUMP!!!! All organic or wild crafted ingredients; "DRY" nut, fruit or seed oils of: Jojoba, rose hip seed, argan, pomegranate seed, sea buckthorns and vitamin E. Essential oils of: cistus, neroli, carrot seed and other healing essential oils. _Recommended use: apply to clean face, moisten or spritzed face with Neroli, Rose or Helichrysum Hydrolat, then one to two pumps, of Love My Face, gently massaging into facial and neck tissue. You may also use on hair for lustrous shine, anti-fizz and healthy appearance. _Natural botanical properties: anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, anti-aging, supportive for immune, hormonal, circulatory, UV-blocking activity, skin nourishing and assists wound healing, burns, fine lines/wrinkles, signs of premature aging and regenerative properties. _Natural botanical sources of Vitamins of B1, B2, C, E, K, beta carotene and Carotenoids, potassium and magnesium, flavonids and squalene; rich in essential fatty acids of Oleic, Palmitic, linoleic, Linolenic, punicic, stearic, phytoestrogen, Palmitoleic and Ferulic._ "NEW" 2oz. frosted glass with pump for easy delivery. _ You are Welcome, drink up your Vitamin C, Revive, Renew and Rejuvenate. Yes, give some Love to your Face. I make this when I can, so please enjoy, always a Market price. 88.00-S is a sale price btw 169.00-R

100% medicinal essential oils formula - wild and biodynamic sources. High Anti-Viral; assists lymph system, jet lag, sore throat, sinus drainage, cellulite and protection against invasion of various bacteria and viruses. Cypress, Laurel bay, Grapefruit and other EO’s, W/ love in Sedona, AZ by ♥ Robin "A healthy lymph system drains interstitial fluid, transports dietary fats and protects against invasion of many different bacteria and viruses." External application to the lymphatic system- 3 drops to both sides of the neck and 4-5 drops to the solar plexus area.

A very unique and exclusive - 100% medicinal essential oils formula. Limited editions each year_ Cosmic Allure pretty much says it all. An APHRODISIAC by nature which facilitates feelings of deep inner peace. Mixes with your personal chemistry; different on everyone. A dab on the wrist and neck is all you will need. Everyone will want to know what you are wearing, so alluring!_ Available in Sedona Retail/Spa location: Coming soon! "Sensual, Mysteriously Hypnotic, Mystifying, sultry."

Your Welcome

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Ylang Ylang

Latin name: Cananga odorata
Family: Annonaceae
Plant Part: Fresh Flowers

Cananga odorata physical description
Cananga odorata is a tropical Asian tree of the custard-apple family; it is medium sized, approximately 39 Feet tall at maturity. The main trunk is generally bent to some degree, and the bark is smooth and grayish white to silvery. The branches are slightly erect with a bit of drooping, giving the Cananga tree an asymmetrical appearance. It is a fast-growing tree that can exceed 16ft within a year and has the ability to regenerate rapidly when damaged. 

The leaves are dark green in color, approximately 8 inches in length, alternate, elliptic-oblong with a prominent midrib. The ylang ylang flower hangs in umbellate clusters of four to 12 flowers, having three sepals and six petals, and approximately 2.5 inches long. The petals are twisted when young and then limp and drooping when mature. Ylang ylang flowers are greenish yellow when immature, turning to a deep yellow once mature. The fragrant smell of ylang ylang is not dominating when the flowers are immature, but becomes more pronounced at maturity.

The fruit of the ylang ylang is greenish black in color, approximately 1 inch in size, and borne in axillary clusters of 6 to 12, resembling the olive. There are also 6 to 12 small, pale, brown flattened ovoid seeds within each fruit.

The Cananga tree has a long taproot and, therefore, favors deep soils. The Cananga tree can grow in light, medium and heavy texture soils, thriving in rich volcanic or fertile sandy soils, and can tolerate water logging for short periods, but requires free drainage. The Cananga tree grows best in full sunlight but can also tolerate moderate shading.

The Cananga plant is native to the Philippines and Indonesia and is commonly grown in Polynesia, Melanesia and Micronesia; therefore preferring a habitat of lowland, and humid tropics region. In Madagascar, the trees flower year-round, but mainly during the rainy season from November to March.  

Ylang ylang qualities, extraction and chemical composition
There are four varieties of ylang ylang essential oil, depending on the stage and method of distillation: the earliest “Ylang Ylang extra” is the first distillate, and is the lightest oil, with the most exquisite fragrance; the middle distillate, called ylang ylang II; and the final distillate having the smokiest and deepest fragrance. Ylang ylang “complete” is either a blend of all three stages of the distillation process, or an uninterrupted distillation process. Ylang ylang has a sweet and narcotic fragrance.

”Ylang ylang” results from the process of steam distillation of the flowers of the Cananga tree; and the flowers should be distilled immediately after harvesting. Small, traditional stills yield about 1% oil; while large modern stills can yield as much as 2%; and delayed distillation of the ylang ylang flower reduces the quantity of oil extraction. Flowers are best collected in the early morning hours while dew is present and best distilled immediately after harvesting. The Comoro Islands and Madagascar are major producers of ylang ylang.

The main aromatic components of ylang ylang oil are: benzyl acetate, linalool, p-cresyl methyl ether, and methyl benzoate.  Sesquiterpenes and esters. “Ylang Ylang extra” has higher terpene alcohol content.

Ylang ylang properties, therapeutic uses and applications
Ylang ylang speaks to our Heart on every level, and reminds us of acceptance within ourselves as well as others. Very much an aid for heart palpitations, when applied topically, ylang ylang can have a remarkable effect, as with hypertension and tachycardia. Ylang ylang is also an aid for high blood pressure, and can help normalize sebum secretion for skin issues.

Ylang ylang is harmonizing to the mind, and calming to the Central nervous system, and can be an effective aid for controlling epilepsy by simply inhaling the fragrance at the onset of a seizure.  Ylang ylang is a stimulant to the scalp, and a preventive aid for hair loss; mitigates insomnia and pre-menstrual syndrome; it is also an aid for infections of the intestinal tract, malaria and typhus (an infectious bacterial disease).

Ylang ylang aids with depression, anxiety, tension, stress, shyness, impatience, resentment, and rejection by “opening the heart and reminding us of new magical possibilities within the realm of loving relationships.” Ylang ylang has a calming nature, and ushers in joy and warmth within our life.  Ylang ylang is Euphoric and sensuous, being an aphrodisiac which unifies our emotional and sensual natures.

Ylang ylang can be used to enhance assertiveness, contentment, focus, joy, self-awareness, self-esteem and self-image. Ylang ylang is an essence that whispers to us, “What would love do now?” 

The history and folklore of Cananga odorata
Known as “ylang ylang”, “Perfume Tree”, “Cananga”, “Cadmia”, ylang ylang is planted in many home gardens in the pacific islands for ornamental purposes. The fruit is a preferred food of pigeons in Guam, Tonga, and Samoa; and is also eaten by bats, monkeys and squirrels. In the Pacific, the wood is often used for small canoes and parts, furniture, fuel wood, and cordage (the bark being pounded to make coarse rope.)

The fragrant ylang ylang flowers are used to scent coconut oil, known as Macassar oil (used as a hair dressing in the South Pacific), and in the making of lei’s and headdresses. In the Cook Islands the wood is used for making boxes and crates, clogs or wooden shoes and fishnet floats; and ylang ylang is a very important source of flowers in Micronesia and Polynesia where they are used for garlands, headdresses and other personal adornment. 

Ylang ylang is also a primary commercial product of the perfume industry; it is shipped to France, where it is the basis for Chanel #5 and perfumes by Guerlain; and ylang ylang’s essential oil makes up 29% of the Comoros’ annual exports (1998). Ylang ylang is also used in “MotionEaze”, a motion sickness medicine. In Tonga and Samoa the bark is used to treat stomach ailments; and can be used as a laxative. In Java, the dried flowers are used to protect against Malaria, and the fresh flowers are pounded into a paste to treat asthma. In Indonesia, ylang ylang flowers are spread on the bed of newlywed couples.

“Ylang ylang you have warmed my heart and calmed my mind. You have given me the sweet reminder of loving magic that awaits my spirit. You have awakened the possibilities that provoke the god/goddess within. As your calming elixir soothes me, and reminds me of the sweetness I can taste within each moment. I move into a patient surrender of spirit, as I know the transcendence which is constantly unfolding in my life. I am reminded all is within reach and ever so grateful for the beautiful gifts you impart upon my essential nature, now shared!”

© 2011-2015 Robin Michaels, Cosmic Essential oils, All rights reserved

With Gratitude and Love

Robin Michaels