Cleansing tips and recommendations (#1)
cleanse 2-3X a year. People are always asking me what do you do on your
cleanses? So I decided to periodically give information about what
products, foods and other helpful tips while cleansing. First of all: I ALWAYS start by cleaning/cleansing the gut!
WHY(?) It's an excellent idea to have the pipes running good before you start dumping/eliminating other organ toxins into the system. This way the toxins will flush easier and quicker out of the body without the enhanced ill side effects of cleansing. I also allow myself one cup of coffee a day the first week and no alcohol period while cleansing. I drink LOTS of purified water!
A simple cleanse to start with is:
SIMPLE CLEANSE "box" by Enzymatic therapy (this cleanse is a 2 week cleanse), in combination with the just mentioned I add Milk Thistle Advantage by Natrol (2 caps 2x a day)
Daily enemas are a nice addition the first week for assisting the elimination process.
Recommend DO NOT eat refined flour, sugar, saturated fats, artificial sweeteners, white potatoes and highly processed foods. If you do any of those things normally(?)
Cleansing tips and recommendations (#2)
MUNG BEANS (into your cleansing regime)HOW TO COOK:
1 ½ cup of dried mung beans
1 Wakame seaweed piece
Soak dried mung beans overnight or half a day in water w/Wakame seaweed piece, strain mung beans from soaking water and one final rinse.
Cook on low (crock pot works)
Note: you can take out the ginger slice and garlic clove before serving –add fresh water or you may use a veggie stock, put in enough water to cover beans giving space for added water or stock.
ADD to cooking pot of mung beans
• ½ inch slice of fresh ginger, turmeric or burdock root
• 1 clove of freshly peeled garlic
• 1 tsp. salt
• Approximately 1 tsp. Cumin seeds
Mung beans do not take forever to cook like most beans, so around 2-3 hours usually and sometimes sooner. I like to add a dollop of plain organic yogurt on top of beans with dash more salt and pepper. Mung beans are a good choice for when you are cleansing; recovering from illness, haven’t been feeling well or just because you like them. ☺ Mung beans are good for you. I rather like them myself and eat them often during cleanses!
Mung Bean
(Properties of the mung bean below taken from - “Healing with Whole Foods, by Paul Pitchford)
Cooling thermal nature; sweet flavor; detoxifies the body; beneficial to the liver and gall bladder; produces yin fluids in general as well as specific yin fluids for the liver; alleviates damp-heat in the body; diuretic; reduces swelling. Used as a cure for food poisoning (drink liquid from mung soup), dysentery (cook with garlic), diarrhea, painful urination, mumps, burns lead and pesticide poisoning, boils, heat stroke, conjunctivitis, and edema-especially edema in the lower extremities. Also useful in the treatment of high blood pressure, acidosis, and gastrointestinal ulcers marked by heat signs. Consume mung soup to treat inflamed (red) skin outbreaks, summer heat, thirst, restlessness, impatience, and urinary difficulty accompanied by heat signs.
A member of the kidney bean family and originally from India, mung beans have become a traditional part of Chinese cuisine. One of the most important beans therapeutically, they are particularly useful because of their capacity to cleanse the heart and vascular system and reduce toxicity (according to author Hong-Yen Hsu, they remove all toxins).
Sprouted mung beans are commonly available in grocery stores. They are very cooling with a sweet flavor, used to detoxify the body, treat alcoholism, and build the yin fluids and to improve the “triple heater” function of Chinese medicine.
Cleansing tips and recommendations (#3), via Aromatherapy
Coriander Seed
Family: Apiaceae
Latin name: Coriandrum sativum
♥ Analgesic, anti-oxidant, re-generator, nervine, detoxify, blood sugar equalizer, diabetes, gas, toxins, powerful intestinal cleanser and purifier. Very strong scent and beautiful!
♥ Coriander Seed essential oil is one of my everyday essentials especially in the summer along with Vetiver as it is cooling for Pitta. Use along with Patchouli for "heavy metal anti-oxidant", while juicing or ingesting cilantro, for highest benefits within this realm! Patchouli and Coriander Seed make a wonderful deodorant!
Cleansing tips and recommendations (#4)
Lemon water every morning (room temperature or hot tea temperature).
Utilizing a steam room or sauna, at least 3X a week while cleansing. I always start the first day with a steam, helps to pre-purge and the time spent in the steam room helps me wrap my mind around my intentions of cleansing. But honestly I would do it everyday if I had it available in my living space :)
Castor oil packs over the whole of abdomen (making sure to encompass the liver/gallbladder area also!), for approximately 1 hour a day, 5X a week while cleansing.
[ Castor oil packs: saturate a flannel or wool clothe, place over abdomen, put a small plastic trash bag or plastic food wrap on top of the flannel or wool clothe, then place a larger hand towel over top plastic wrap, then place a heating pad on top . . . lay down and relax for an hour "meditate" envision great health, set intentions . . . wipe excess oil off abdomen or shower . . Done :) ]
I like to play relaxing music while doing the Castor oil packs. BTW . . . you can put the castor flannel in a zip lock baggy, placing in the re-frig until next use.
***DO NOT wash it with anything else. Wash separate.
Epson Salts or Himalayan Salts Baths!
Peppermint and Rosemary infused Himalayan Salts | or Wild-Crafted Pinyon Pine infused Himalayan Salts |
Cleansing tips and recommendations (#5)
GET A MASSAGE ♥ "dive into the cleansing by receiving extra massage during a cleanse; massage increases circulation and facilitates the release of toxins in the tissues of the bodies system. Remember to assist the flushing of toxins after a massage session by drinking plenty of water and if available steam pre and post massage session " ♥
Cleansing tips and recommendations (#6)
Juicing :) . . . "ALL ORGANIC" Romaine lettuce, Kale, celery, cilantro, turmeric tuber, ginger tuber, 1/2 of granny smith apple, whole cucumber, 1/2 lemon! Oh and two carrots.If you can get Meyer lemons "those are simply the very best" however there seems to be a restriction of CA Citrus in other areas/states. :( So very SAD indeed, I love the Meyer Lemons!
A very wonderful cleansing from the above selection, you could omit the carrots and you could add beet or omit both carrot and beet.
BTW . . . The Jack LaLanne Juicer is an affordable juicer that I find to be stellar in performance; not having issues juicing certain veggies and easy clean up! I recommend!
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