Sunday, April 10, 2016

Vitamin E

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a lipid-soluble antioxidant.  Being an antioxidant it helps to protect the pituitary and adrenal hormones, promotes proper functioning of linoleic acid and is useful in slowing the ageing process by protecting the cell membranes of the body.  Vitamin E is an excellent aid for burns and the healing of scar tissue, when applied topically (applying lavender, helichrysum, geranium and carrot seed essential oils before application of Vitamin E is incredible for healing scar tissue and remember honey is fantastic when it comes to burns of any degree.)  It is also suggested that when one is taking external vitamin E that internal use is extremely complementary.  The best time to take vitamin E is at bed time or before meals. Alpha tocopherol is the most potent form of vitamin E.  Tocopherol is the highest available source through cold-pressed vegetable oils, wheat germ, whole raw seeds and nuts, and soybeans.  Vitamin E has been successful in regulating excessive or scanty flows of menstruation; assistive for menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and headaches.  Vitamin E is also helpful with treatment of varicose veins and in restoration of an unhealthy liver.
100 IU’s seems to be a daily recommended dose for adults.  However, if one requires more IU’s it is important to remember to start at 100 IU’s first and increase 100 IU’s a month at a time.  I truly do not think that more than 1000 IU’S are necessary.

Food sources are: Asparagus, avocado, egg, milk, almonds, hazelnuts, red palm oil, seeds, spinach and other green leafy vegetables, corn oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil, olive oil, walnut oil, wheat germ, and whole grain foods.

© 2011-2016 Robin Michaels, Cosmic Essential oils, All rights reserved

With Gratitude and Love
Robin Michaels

Robin Michaels is an Aromatherapist, LMT, and a certified instructor for continuing education courses in Aromatherapy NCBTMB approved provider since 2006.  Robin has over twenty-two years of experience in Bodywork and Thirty-three years within the Holistic Health realm. Robin has worked as the Spa Coordinator/Manager at the Adobe Grand Bed and Breakfast since 2006 as well as an independent practice specializing in Holistic Aromatherapy Massage.  Robin graduated from the Harold J. Reilly School of Massage Therapy at the Edgar Cayce Foundation in 1994 in Virginia Beach, Virginia.  
Robin is the owner and founder of Cosmic Essential oils, LLC, wholesaling Cosmic Essential oil products and assisting Spa and Holistic businesses with signature products suited to their unique businesses since 2004.  Cosmic Essential oils was inspired as a desire to assist her son Ayran who suffered from Migraines, both mom and son were amazed at the results and the rest well divine creations with a compassionately passionate heart. 

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