Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Arizona Native Plant Dweller - The Mesquite Tree

Arizona Native Plant Dweller - The Mesquite Tree

The Arizona Mesquite has always been my first “tell-tell” sign for planting all the goodies in the garden. It’s best to be patient and wait for her to bud and blossom before planting. The Mesquite is the desert dweller wisdom bringer of true knowing (frost free barometer), usually late spring or early summer she will let us know. I’ll wait on your wisdom Dear Mesquite; I sit in quite anticipation until you show the way clear . . .

The most common species of the native mesquite trees growing in Arizona are:
(1) Prosopis glandulosa – commonly known as the honey mesquite or Texas mesquite
(2) Prosopis velutina – commonly known as the velvet mesquite, being the largest of these mesquite species
(3) Prosopis pubescens – commonly known as the screwbean mesquite

The mesquite tree is a hardy, drought tolerant and prolific desert tree of the legume family, Leguminosae. The mesquite tree character ensures their survival by means of the foliage, the bean pods, the deep taproot (the taproot girth is commonly thick, with a depth that exceeds the height of the tree) combined with the expansive lateral root system (commonly two to three times breadth the canopy) and the symbiotic friendship with root bacteria offering a nitrogen rich soil creating the perfect environment for new seedlings.

The mesquite tree appearance would be more often that of a large bush or small tree (growing anywhere between 20ft to as much as 50ft in height), the bark is rough and a gray brownish color, with frequently multiple trunks that form twisted gnarled joints and thorny meandering branches. The mesquite tree is deciduous; the green summer canopy offers shelter for desert wildlife like jackrabbits, javelina, ground squirrels, coyotes, and wild turkey from the heat, while letting the sunshine in during our cooler season. The mesquite tree has green, twice pinnate leaflets that are 3 to 6 inches long with a fine appearance; the flowers are elongated yellow spikes in which birds like to feed upon and bees love to partake of the sweet nectar.

The mesquite tree provides us with many offerings. The bean pods are sweet and nutritious: Protein rich, containing fiber, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, and the amino acid “lysine”. The flowering of the mesquite tree is a nectar source for mesquite honey. The wood burns slow, clean and hot and the wood chips may be used for smoking to flavor food. The mesquite beans feed our desert dwelling wildlife; the bean pods make up approximately 80% of the coyotes diet.

The Indians and earlier settlers used the mesquite as medicine for various aliments like: colic, flesh wounds, headaches, diarrhea, dysentery, sore throat and (water infusion of the leaves) for ailing eyes. The bean pods (used whole) can be ground into a rich, sweet and caramel tasting power that can serve as flour for baking or as a neutral sweetener or flavoring in smoothies with cocoa and maca.

People have confused the mesquite tree with Acacia greggii – family Fabaceae, common names are cat claw, wait a minute tree, paradise flower, wait a bit tree, and cat claw mesquite. Cat claw is also a drought tolerant deciduous large bush or small tree of the desert territory. My girlfriends and I tend to call it pussy claw, due to our child-like whimpering when snagged on a hike, Ouch! . . . wait a minute.  


The Mesquite Video above (Prosopis velutina type) was taken in Sedona near Thunder Mountain around the 19th of April 2013. Since I have three or more Mesquite Trees in the back yard, I noticed last year they didn't produce many pods (?)  I guess every so often they even need a break from production.  Just saying . . . an observation.

Congratulations to the Apricot Tree, this year you get to produce your fruit!!!  I know it has been several years and I pass by you everyday, I am looking forward to tasting your juicy fruit!  YAY ~

Cosmic Essential oils, Robin ;) 

Monday, April 8, 2013

Costa Rica :)

I wanted to share this article shared with me on the alternative to medicinal marijuana
Holy Basil


As I'm just having such a relaxing time in Costa Rica!!!!

8 APRIL 2013, AM

Can you say ~ RELAX
Cosmic Essential oils, Robin

Puerto Viejo de Talamanca Costa Rica
Playa Negra ~~~~~